Deuteronomy 30:1-10

Today’s Passage: Deuteronomy 30:1-10

God tells them today.... I know you will break the covenant. I know you will not hold
up your end of the deal.

How could God say this? Was He just being mean? Cynical? Down on His people?
NO! God was showing us His character. God at the core of who He is is FAITHFUL. He
is holy.

“13 if we are faithless, he remains faithful- for he cannot deny himself.” // 2 Timothy

How was God showing His faithfulness? He was telling them... When you turn from
me, I will not turn from you. This does not mean that there won’t be consequences
for your actions and the brokenness that comes from sin but there is always a
solution... REPENT. And when you do, I will be right here, waiting, ready to welcome
you with open arms.

To repent means to realize where you have deviated from God and to turn back to
Him. Repentance implies we were made for something better. Repentance implies
that things are not as they should be.

We know it. We feel it. Just as the Israelites would. God is better. His ways are higher.
His plans are better. His commandments are not burdensome or constricting. His
commandments are light and freedom. When we realize that true freedom comes
from submission to God this is where we really begin to experience the joy and
fullness of the life that we have been designed to live.

Answer these questions honestly:

1) Where am I not in alignment with who God has called me to be? (AKA - where
am I disobeying)?
2) How can I turn back to God and His ways this week? (AKA - How can I repent?)

There is true joy in obedience. Things just go better when we do them God’s way. Let
today be a spiritual renewal and catalyst for you. You are halfway thru Q2 of the year.
How can you love God more the second half of the year than the first half? Not to
impress God, but to please Him. Because He is faithful.

Written By: Nick Parsons

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