Deuteronomy 28:1-14

Today's Passage: Deuteronomy 28:1-14

God’s Word is pretty clear in this chapter about what will happen to the Israelite people if they obey His commandments. Both spiritual and physical blessings are promised them, but we know the rest of the story. God’s people failed to obey. Time and time again they ran after other gods and disobeyed the voice of the Lord.

How should we understand this passage today? Is God telling us that if we obey Him we will receive only blessings? Yes and No.

This promise was given to the Israelite people at that time, not to us today - so it is not a promise that we should apply to ourselves. Additionally, if we look at the example of Jesus, it is clear that God’s people still experience suffering. Jesus tells us in John 16:33 that we will experience trials and persecution in this life. So no, we will not always receive worldly blessings if we follow the Lord.

At the same time, God does bless those who obey Him. When we live life the way God has designed it to be lived, we will experience life to the fullest (John 10:10). We will taste the joy of life oriented towards God.

God has already blessed us beyond imagination through the gospel of Christ Jesus. We no longer have to labor for forgiveness or wrestle with shame and regret. God has freely given us grace and mercy. Additionally, He has promised eternal life with eternal blessing for those who follow Him. So yes, He does bless those who obey His commands.

What about your walk with the Lord? Are you living in obedience to His Word or have you turned aside to other gods and other priorities? Does your life invite the blessing of the Lord or His judgment? Are there any changes you need to make today?

Written By: Joe Weaver

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