Deuteronomy 19

Today's Passage: Deuteronomy 19

As Moses continues in his second telling of the law, we are in a stretch where Moses is addressing applications of the 6th commandment to not murder.

He distinguishes between two types of guilt: the person who commits manslaughter (accidental/unpremeditated death) and murder (intentional/premeditated).

When reading books like Deuteronomy (or Leviticus, Numbers, or really any book that is hard to understand), the place I want to start is in asking the question: how does the gospel of Jesus Christ fulfill (or at the very least relate) to what I’m reading?

As I reflect on that question in light of today’s text, I am reminded of: the reality and weightiness of sin, and the grace of God in the midst of it.

Moses is clear that God takes sin seriously. In fact, he wants sin to be “purged” from the people:

13 Your eye shall not pity him, but you shall purge the guilt of innocent blood from Israel, so that it may be well with you.

19 So you shall purge the evil from your midst. 20 And the rest shall hear and fear, and shall never again commit any such evil among you.

God takes sin seriously and so should we. He takes it so seriously that he sent Jesus to die for it.

Live in light of that today. And maybe even allow that mindset to change how think about some of the harder to read books of Scripture.

Written By: Graham Withers

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