Deuteronomy 16:1-12

Today's Passage: Deuteronomy 16:1-12

This chapter focuses on the different holidays that the Israelite people were told to observe. The point was to cause the people to slow down and remember what the Lord had done for them, and the remembrance would lead to faith in the Lord. That same principle applies to us today. The more we look back at what God has done, the more we trust him in our day-to-day lives.

The Israelites were in the wilderness and would be wandering around for the next 40 years. There was plenty of time to grumble and doubt what the Lord was doing…was God even still communicating with Moses? So God instructs them to set up these festivals and feasts where to recall what God did for them. How he saved them, rescued them, and parted the Red Sea to deliver them. See, the more they focused on God’s character and provision, the more faith they had that He would continue to do the same.

We need those same reminders today. We aren’t wandering around the desert, but we are quickly lulled to spiritual sleep with our comfortable lives. So when trials or temptations arise we are slow to look to God for the answers.

What spiritual reminders/feasts should you have in your life? There are corporate holidays, like Christmas, Good Friday, and Easter, but what about the personal ones? Is there a moment in your faith, that whenever you look back you can clearly see the hand of the Lord? Or maybe there is a time when you indescribably experienced God’s presence. Maybe it was the day you publicly professed your faith through baptism.

You don’t have to take a day off from work or slaughter a lamb, but what would it look like for you to celebrate those moments in your life? You can do that together as a family - write down those spiritual landmarks and celebrate them as a family. The more that we look back and recall what the Lord has done for us, the more we will trust Him day to day.

Written By: Joe Weaver

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