Deuteronomy 14

Today's Passage: Deuteronomy 14

Everything from our passage of Scripture is contingent on verses 1-2. Here is what I mean:

God’s people were set apart from other nations because of who they belonged to (v. 1-2).

We see God describe His people as sons (v. 1), holy people (v. 1), chosen (v. 2), his treasured possession (v. 2). But notice, it’s not because of what Israel did that earned them this status. God had freely gifted them these things. They did not earn it, and if we are being honest, they definitely did not deserve it.

The same is true for those who are in Christ now. When we have a relationship with Jesus, it’s not because of the good we’ve done. It’s by the grace and mercy of God that we can be in a right relationship with Him through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.

Our identity informs our actions (v. 3-29).

For Israel, God set them apart by their diets. They looked different from other nations by what they did or did not eat. God also called them to be set apart through their tithes/offerings. God called them to give of their finances for a few reasons: to show their relationship – the people were to go to the Temple (v. 23), to show their dependence on Him (v. 23), to care for others around them (v. 27-29).

For us, we do not have dietary restrictions (Acts 10:9-16), but we are commanded to tithe (2 Corinthians 9:6-8). The main point I want to emphasis though is our identity informs our actions. When we rightly understand that we belong to God, the desires of our hearts should be to do what He desires for us and from us. God has called us to be in the world, not of the world. And when we do what He commands, we set ourselves apart from the world to shine the light of the Gospel into the darkness.

Written By: Brice Stockton

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