Deuteronomy 12

Today’s Passage: Deuteronomy 12

Proper worship matters. Worship at the core is a response to God; for who He is & what He has done. Worship is more than singing. Worship is a response that echoes (or should echo) through every facet of our lives.

This is why God is taking such care with instructions for worship today. Think of all He has done for them. He has made them a great nation. He has delivered them from Egypt. He provided for them in the wilderness. He has brought them into the promised land. The last thing He wants is for their view, understanding, and worship of Him to be corrupted. This is not prideful of God. This is loving of God. He is the creator of the whole world. He is truth (that which corresponds to reality). How loving would it be for Him to let them live for a lie?

How do you view worship? Is worship what you do on Sunday? Or is worship at the core of who you are as a follower of Jesus? Remember, worship is a response. Proper worship matters.

When you are mowing the grass... mow it as worship. Let your workstation become your worship station. Worship God by the way you love your spouse/family.

I could go on and on. We need to broaden our view and not compartmentalize worship. Everything is worship when done out of a heart that loves and follows God. Yes, worship in our church matters. It is commanded. But it is only scratching the surface.

If you read closely today you will hear echos of the 10 commandments. At the heart of those commandments is worship. God is not being extreme. God is being loving. He is showing them what true worship is... a response to Him. It is what they (and we) are designed for.

Written By: Nick Parsons

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