Deuteronomy 10:12-22

Today's Passage: Deuteronomy 10:12-22

What does an obedient life look like? An obedient life is all in with God.

This is what Moses is calling them to do and to be... To be all in. He says “And now, Israel...” to start off. What he is saying is, “Look and remember about all God is and what God has done... and now live this way.”

What does he call them to do?
1. Fear the Lord.
2. Walk in His ways.
3. Love Him.
4. Serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul.
5. Keep the commandments and statutes of the Lord.

These are great barometer questions for us in our lives. Do we fear God? Do we have an abundant reverent fear of who He is and His power? Do we walk with Him? Do our lives show that we love Him? Do we serve Him with everything? Do we keep His commandments at all times or just when it is convenient?

Walking with God may be more than this but it is not less than this. This is where it starts.

Moses continues and gives them the why (v.14-22) - He reminds them that all things are His... including us. He is the Lord God. He is Almighty. He is transcendent. We follow Him! Go through these verses and highlight all about God’s character. That it is what Moses is doing. He is giving an overview of the God that we serve. When we catch a glimpse of God’s character our lives change.

But Moses also gives them the how (v.16). He calls them to circumcise their heart. Circumcision was a sign of the covenant. It did not mean every Jewish man who was circumcised would go to heaven. It was supposed to lead to a spiritual reality. And Moses is saying don’t forget the spiritual reality. This is how... Let God perform open heart surgery on you and give Him your heart. This is how you live your life for Him... honor Him... and follow Him. He is worth it.

Where does God need to perform open heart surgery on you? What are you holding back from Him in your heart? How does your life need to line up with the 5 commands Moses gives them?

Take some time today and thank God for His character... for who He is.

Written By: Nick Parsons

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