Deuteronomy 10:1-11

Today’s Passage: Deuteronomy 10:1-11

The tablets of stone that held the original copy of the Ten Commandments were broken when Moses threw them down in anger at the sight of the golden calf. But not only was the law physically broken, it was broken in deed by each of the Israelites.

They heard God declare the Ten Commandments from the thunder of Mount Sinai and they were afraid of His voice. They were afraid to draw near to Him themselves because they saw His power over nature and they recognized the holiness and goodness of who He is.

When God presented the Ten Commandments, the Israelites asked Moses to be their mediator. They recognized that they could not be in the presence of God on their own. They promised to obey God’s word if it was mediated through Moses (Exodus 20:19). However, as Deuteronomy has recapped for us, we see that they did not keep their promise and they quickly broke the first commandment and by extension all ten commandments.

Their disobedience led to the physical breaking of the commandments, but today we see God establishing a new set of stone tablets. God did not change His law or change how He wanted to lead the Israelites in response to their disobedience.

God used the same stones, the same words, and He used His own hands to write the commandments anew for the Israelites. He gave them to Moses and had him place them inside the Ark of the Covenant so that each time they came to worship or to sacrifice to the Lord they could remember His word. They could remember His mercy and His unchanging character.

God does not change who He is in response to our sin. His word remains and His law remains, and we can find hope knowing that His desire to bring us close to Him never changes. God wanted to establish the Israelites on His word so that they would cling to Him and know Him personally.

What would it look like for you to establish your life on God’s word?

Written By: Paulette Black

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