Deuteronomy 8

Today’s Passage: Deuteronomy 8

“If dependence is the goal, then weakness is the advantage...”

This is one of my favorite quotes recently. The goal of life is not independence from
God but dependence on Him... in every area of our life. This is what God is showing
the Israelites today. They have been in the wilderness. But they have been in the
wilderness for a purpose. God was growing their dependence. I don’t know what
“wilderness” God has you in today but you can take confidence - He has you there for
a purpose.

He was calling them - as they go forward don’t forget to remember. They were
dependent upon God!

1) Dependent upon His commandments (1-2)
2) Dependent upon His provision (3)
3) Dependent upon HIs Words (3)
4) Dependent upon Him to sustain (4)
5) Dependent upon His discipline (5)
6) Dependent upon His direction (7-10)

These are good reminders for us. We are dependent.

He challenges them to not forget this. To not forget God when they think they have
Why do we do that? Why when we think we have arrived or we have enough
that we are no longer dependent? I don’t know but it is not just a problem for us, it
was a problem for them. This is a warning we should heed. God is not a break in case
of emergency. We need Him at all times, in all things, and through all circumstances.
Do our lives, schedules, finances, etc reflect this?

What is the goal? Dependence.

Written By: Nick Parsons

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