1 Peter 5

Today's Passage: 1 Peter 5

Peter addresses three different audiences in our passage, let’s walk through them:

1. Elders of the church (v. 1-4). Peter gives three commands to these elders:
  • Shepherd the church gladly under God’s will and not under compulsion
  • Do their work eagerly and not for shameful gain
  • To serve as examples, instead of being domineering in their leadership

I love how Peter addresses what the character of an elder looks like, instead of focusing on all the little tasks of an elder. If an elder’s character aligns with what Peter says, then they will shepherd the flock well. Do your church leaders align with Peter’s description?

2. Congregation of the church (v. 5). Peter says, “you who are younger”, but he is talking to those newer to the church. His command to them:
  • Submit to the leadership
  • Humble yourself before everyone

The first two go together, here’s why: If the elders are leading how God calls them to lead, it should be easy for the church to submit to the leadership. Also, the elders will be examples of humility for the congregation to follow. Do you submit to your church’s leadership?

3. All believers (v. 6-11). In this section, Peter lists commands to follow and promises to claim.
  • When you humble yourself, God exalts you
  • When you cast your anxieties on Him, you can be reminded how God cares for you
  • When you are sober-minded and watchful, you notice the temptations from Satan
  • When you’ve suffered on earth for your faith, God, through Christ, will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish your eternity

The reminder of verses 6-11 are so refreshing. God’s grace is lavished throughout those verses. How are you doing being obedient to how God has called you to live?

Written By: Brice Stockton

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