Isaiah 30

Today's Passage: Isaiah 30
God remains faithful, even when we are faithless.
God’s people desired to make an alliance with Egypt. They wanted to go there for shelter and protection. It’s so interesting because the last time they went to Egypt, they ended up becoming slaves there. It makes no sense why they would want to go back to something that once treated them so bad. They either hoped it would be different or they had forgotten about what previously happened.
And while we may sit here and cast judgment on the people of Israel, the reality is we do the same thing with sin. There are sins in our lives we find comfort in. We desire to go back to them and expect a different outcome or feeling. We seek shelter in the sin. Yet, we forget about the bondage, shame, and guilt we felt during the sin last time.
Even though we might turn our backs on God, just as Israel did, God continually pursues us. He seeks us out and is willing to restore us back to Himself. Not only does God not give us what we deserve, He gives us exponentially more than we could ever deserve, ask for, or expect. For the people of Israel, when they forsook the idols in their lives, God would bring about a good harvest and bountiful blessing (v. 23-26). When we turn to God, have a relationship with Him, He promises us eternity – the ultimate undeserved blessing.
We aren’t always much different than the people of Israel. But when we are faithless, God is faithful.
Are there any sins you continually cling to? How have those sins affected you and your relationship with God? What would it look like for you to put off those sins?
Written By: Brice Stockton
God remains faithful, even when we are faithless.
God’s people desired to make an alliance with Egypt. They wanted to go there for shelter and protection. It’s so interesting because the last time they went to Egypt, they ended up becoming slaves there. It makes no sense why they would want to go back to something that once treated them so bad. They either hoped it would be different or they had forgotten about what previously happened.
And while we may sit here and cast judgment on the people of Israel, the reality is we do the same thing with sin. There are sins in our lives we find comfort in. We desire to go back to them and expect a different outcome or feeling. We seek shelter in the sin. Yet, we forget about the bondage, shame, and guilt we felt during the sin last time.
Even though we might turn our backs on God, just as Israel did, God continually pursues us. He seeks us out and is willing to restore us back to Himself. Not only does God not give us what we deserve, He gives us exponentially more than we could ever deserve, ask for, or expect. For the people of Israel, when they forsook the idols in their lives, God would bring about a good harvest and bountiful blessing (v. 23-26). When we turn to God, have a relationship with Him, He promises us eternity – the ultimate undeserved blessing.
We aren’t always much different than the people of Israel. But when we are faithless, God is faithful.
Are there any sins you continually cling to? How have those sins affected you and your relationship with God? What would it look like for you to put off those sins?
Written By: Brice Stockton
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