Acts 22:22-30

Today's Passage: Acts 22:22-30

The people were fine with listening to the testimony Paul gives until they heard one word: Gentiles. They didn’t mind the talk about Jesus, but Paul saying that Gentiles could come to God just like the Jewish people could sent them into a riot. The people of the day did not have any issues with Gentiles becoming Jews, but they viewed the teaching that Gentiles could be saved without first becoming a Jewish proselyte as blasphemy.

After this, Paul is taken into Roman custody to be flogged, as the Roman officers didn’t understand why Paul was causing such a scene. Interestingly enough, he will remain in Roman custody for the rest of the book of Acts. This of course did not stop his influence in the world as a missionary and an evangelist!

Before the torture tactics start, Paul asks a centurion standing by if it’s lawful to interrogate Roman citizens in such a way. The centurion brings it to his commander, the tribune. The Roman tribune believes Paul’s claim to Roman citizenship immediately, as there were even harsher penalties for lying about it than even the brutal interrogation tactics they were about to use on him.

The message of Jesus is that anyone can come to God just as they are – Jew, Gentile, foreigner, rich, poor, etc – but you must come to Him through Jesus Christ. Scripture makes it clear. John 14:6 says, “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’”

Do we live as if Jesus is truly the only way to God? Am I treating anyone in my life as if God can’t save them?

Written By: Kaitlin White

1 Comment

Norma White - April 1st, 2023 at 8:00am

Powerful message! If we believe in Christ, we are welcomed in God's kingdom. I like we can come to God as we are!

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