Exodus 20

Today's Passage: Exodus 20 

Today we are reading a passage that is really familiar even to those who have not been believers for very long: the Ten Commandments! We could discuss each individual one at length, but I actually wanted to point out the first couple of verses of this chapter.

God spoke these words to the Israelite people, indicated by them later in the chapter asking for Moses to be their mediator (he is an image of Christ as our mediator!). The commandments were not stolen from neighboring judicial codes of conduct, they were not made up by the Israelites, God gave these commands. And the first thing He says is all about His relationship to them.

He uses His personal name, Yahweh, and reminds them of what He has already done for them. It should have been fresh on their minds, as it had been a matter of weeks since the plagues and their miraculous deliverance. He was reminding them that He has already proven He wants what is best for them, so these commands are not just to follow blindly in order to put more rules in their lives. It was because living these commands out is what leads to an abundant life. God created us and thus knows what is best for us and what leads to our ultimate fulfillment: a saving relationship with Him, and obedience to His commands as an overflow of our gratitude for our salvation.

Romans 7:12 says, “So the law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good.”

How have you lived as if the commands of God are not good? What does the fact that God starts with relationship mean to you?

Written By: Kaitlin White

1 Comment

Naomi Austin - January 27th, 2023 at 7:46pm

Sometimes it’s hard to see God’s commands as good/possible in moments of sensory overload, when the noise & chaos of life seem to be trying desperately to crowd out any possibility of maintaining peace or rejoicing. But the fact that God precedes His commands with a reminder of our relationship is comforting & strengthening, because He doesn’t leave me alone and then tell me to grin & make the best of it. He is with us, our best Friend, available to hold our hand & give “Heaven-hugs” throughout any difficulty in which He calls us to rejoice.

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