Exodus 11

Today’s Passage: Exodus 11

This is the passage that is setting up the passover - when God allowed every first born male to die among the Egyptians as judgment and to show who He is. A few things stick out to me from this passage.

1) GOD’S DIRECTION (v.1-3)

One thing I am very thankful for when it comes to God is His CLARITY. He has given us His Word. We know who God is, who He has called us to be, and what He has called us to do. I am not saying there are never any unknowns. What I am saying is that God leads us with clarity of direction.

We see this with Moses here. God gave very clear instructions. He led him every step of the way.

2) GOD’S CHARACTER (v.3-7)

I want to pinpoint on verse 7… “But not a dog shall growl against any of the people of Israel, either man or beast, that you may know that the Lord makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel.”

We grow up in a world that says “Only God can judge me…” That is ultimately true and very frightening. God is HOLY. God makes distinction between holy and unholy.

But there is another aspect of God’s character on display here. HIS GRACE. Israel was not perfect but God had made a covenant with them and HE KEEPS HIS PROMISES. He has made a covenant with us too, through Jesus. We can have hope that God will keep His promises.

3) GOD’S PURPOSE (v.8-10)

God has a purpose... To make HIS name great. God uses all sorts of things including tragedy to do this. He did this because ultimately He loved the Egyptians too. He wanted them to see His greatness and the only way they would listen was through tragedy. So God did it. Because He loved them.

I am thankful that God always has a purpose. For our good and His glory. We can hope in that as we read about this tragedy on Monday.

Rest in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus today. He has accomplished it all.

Written By: Nick Parsons

1 Comment

Naomi Austin - January 16th, 2023 at 3:16pm

This is so good! God doesn’t take away the unknowns; but He has given us enough to know that He is good & He is love & He will always lead us faithfully.

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