Exodus 2:15-25

Today's Passage: Exodus 2:15-25

God is the sovereign one who is perfectly orchestrating all things so that the purpose of His will comes to pass (Ephesians 1:11). You can see it all over this story in Exodus 2, but how God reveals His sovereignty is different than how we might expect.

Don’t we often want God to put on some massive display of power? We want writing in the sky or His thundering voice to speak and direct us with clarity, but look at how God displays His control over all things in this passage:

Moses fled. Moses rested. Moses fought back.

These aren’t your supernatural, over-the-top, God-sized moves, but yet they accomplished God’s purpose, nonetheless.

As Moses fears for His life, God doesn’t send angel armies to protect him; He fled! That fleeing led him to sit down and rest at a specific well that belonged a specific family. That specific family had a specific need, and Moses stepped up to assist them in a specific way. This defensive encounter ended up in Moses getting married and starting a family. This is a long way from the alien and Egyptian convict of a few verses ago.

Even though the emphasis was on Moses’ reactions and behavior, we must be confident in the knowledge that God was the architect behind it all.

Please know that God has the power and authority to do supernatural things in order to accomplish His will. At the same time, please know that He is good to come through, even if we just sit down for a minute and rest; for you never know whose well you might be sitting by. Do your part and let God do His; for this is the mystery of God’s all-encompassing control over all things.

Q: How have you seen God’s sovereignty displayed in seemingly small things throughout your life?

Written By: Drew Dukes

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