Habakkuk 2

Today's Passage: Habakkuk 2

As Graham mentioned yesterday, Habakkuk is struggling to trust God due to the upcoming devastation for Judah. In chapter 2, God now tells Habakkuk that judgment is going to happen to the Babylonians (the ones who will bring judgment on Judah).

Habakkuk gives several reasons for the judgment coming for Babylon:

1. Pride and Injustice (v. 4a, 5) – We see the characteristics of their pride and injustice throughout the rest of the chapter.
•   They plundered (v. 8)
•   Enriched themselves, while crippling other nations (v. 9-11)
•   Bloodshed (v. 12-13)
•   Drinking and taking advantage of others (v. 15-17)

2. Idol Worship (v. 18-19) – During this time, the nation of Babylon worshipped a god named “Marduk”. They worshipped something made from human hands. Marduk could not hear them, answer, or do anything, because Marduk was not a real god.

But we can learn three important truths from God’s judgment on the Babylonians:
•   Righteousness comes through faith (v. 4b)
•   The earth will know the glory of God through judgment (v. 14)
•   There is only one true God (v. 20)

These three truths are as true today as they were during Habakkuk’s time! I am thankful for a God who never changes. He always remains the same.

Out of those 3, which are you most thankful for today?

Written By: Brice Stockton

1 Comment

Reva - December 23rd, 2022 at 9:40pm

I am so thankful there is only one true God! No confusion for those who seek Him. No worries about finding the right one-He is the only one!!!

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