Hosea 14
Today’s Passage: Hosea 14
How are you doing Spiritually? How intimate is your relationship with Jesus at this
moment? Why? If you are going through a struggling time in your relationship with
Jesus, or you have ever gone through a less than stellar season with Jesus, you will
understand the depth of these questions: How amazing is it that God gives us
second, third, fourth, fifth, and fifteenth chances? How amazing is it that He never
gives up on us?
We may give up on us but Jesus never gives up on us. Romans reminds us that God is
FOR US! 2 Timothy reminds us that God remains faithful even when we are unfaithful.
In this final chapter of this book about Israels (and our) unfaithfulness we see this part
of the character of God on full display again as He begs them to come back.
Look at verse 4-5. He says “I will...” 3 times. He is trying to encourage them to return
and HE WILL restore them. I am so thankful that we don’t have to restore ourselves
but that on the cross Jesus paid for it ALL! He said “It is FINISHED.”
But we have some responsibility...
We are called to turn back to God, confess our sin, and change our ways.
2) TRUST (V.3)
We are called to stop trusting in us and to retrust FULLY in Him.
3) SURRENDER (V.4-8)
We must allow God to heal and restore. He will not do this against our will. We are
called to resurrender to the cross, to the gospel, and to Jesus Christ. We must lay
down our idols at God’s feet.
The world is warring to tell us what is “right” which is really what is wrong. We are
called choose wisdom, choose discernment, which is really choosing God and His
ways. His ways are right. The upright walk in them. And as we know, things just go
better when we do them God’s way.
When we turn to the New Testament, we see this lived out through the story of the
prodigal son told by Jesus. This son did not have to earn his father’s love. He did not
have to earn forgiveness. He had to return.
Where do you need to return today?
Written By: Nick Parsons
How are you doing Spiritually? How intimate is your relationship with Jesus at this
moment? Why? If you are going through a struggling time in your relationship with
Jesus, or you have ever gone through a less than stellar season with Jesus, you will
understand the depth of these questions: How amazing is it that God gives us
second, third, fourth, fifth, and fifteenth chances? How amazing is it that He never
gives up on us?
We may give up on us but Jesus never gives up on us. Romans reminds us that God is
FOR US! 2 Timothy reminds us that God remains faithful even when we are unfaithful.
In this final chapter of this book about Israels (and our) unfaithfulness we see this part
of the character of God on full display again as He begs them to come back.
Look at verse 4-5. He says “I will...” 3 times. He is trying to encourage them to return
and HE WILL restore them. I am so thankful that we don’t have to restore ourselves
but that on the cross Jesus paid for it ALL! He said “It is FINISHED.”
But we have some responsibility...
We are called to turn back to God, confess our sin, and change our ways.
2) TRUST (V.3)
We are called to stop trusting in us and to retrust FULLY in Him.
3) SURRENDER (V.4-8)
We must allow God to heal and restore. He will not do this against our will. We are
called to resurrender to the cross, to the gospel, and to Jesus Christ. We must lay
down our idols at God’s feet.
The world is warring to tell us what is “right” which is really what is wrong. We are
called choose wisdom, choose discernment, which is really choosing God and His
ways. His ways are right. The upright walk in them. And as we know, things just go
better when we do them God’s way.
When we turn to the New Testament, we see this lived out through the story of the
prodigal son told by Jesus. This son did not have to earn his father’s love. He did not
have to earn forgiveness. He had to return.
Where do you need to return today?
Written By: Nick Parsons
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