Hosea 12

Today's Passage: Hosea 12

I saw a video on Facebook the other day and it reminded me of Hosea 12. It went like this:

“Jeremiah, why would a good God send people to Hell?”

“God doesn’t send people to Hell. Actually, we were already on our way to Hell and what God
did is He gave us a way out. It’s like being on a ship that’s sinking and someone is like, ‘Hey,
there is a lifeboat’. You can choose to get on the lifeboat, but if you reject the lifeboat, you
automatically go down with the ship. It’s the same thing. Our sin was already taking us to Hell
and God gave us Jesus and said, ‘This is the lifeboat’. But if you reject the lifeboat, you are
automatically going where you were headed. God didn’t send you there.”

In much of the same way, concerning Hosea 12, God had been patient with Israel. They
rebelled, rebelled, and rebelled some more. Then, they would get on the right track, but then
rebel. Their disobedience would lead to punishment, and they couldn’t blame God for their
punishment. It was their own doing.

God does not honor disobedience. In our lives, when we mess up, God might need to discipline
us. He might need to show us our disobedience through His correction of us. He is not doing it
to be mean. He is doing it to because He is just. He has to punish disobedience.

Israel deserved punishment, and they were about to receive it because of their disobedience.
But thanks be to God, because even through punishment, He was there with His people.

This should also make us thankful for Jesus, who took our punishment on Himself so that we
might have everlasting life.

Written By: Brice Stockton

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