Hosea 8

Today's Passage: Hosea 8

They shall reap the whirlwind!

Have you ever heard that particular phrase uttered about you? I’m gonna go with no, we
haven’t. It’s what God said about Israel in Hosea 8:7 though, and rightfully so. Notice
how this chapter is depicting Israel’s continued idolatry and turning away from the Lord
as their prize, yet all the while begging Him for aid.

Sound familiar? I’ve certainly been guilty of that before: pleading with God in times of
crisis but finding pleasure and hope in other things when I don’t need Him. In this
moment in time, God had enough.

We’ve all heard the phrase, “You reap what you sow.” God is basically giving Israel
what they keep crying for: kings and princes (v. 4), silver and gold for idols (v. 4-5),
flagrant independence (v.9), palaces and fortified cities (v. 13). They chased the wind,
so God gave them the wind. No blessing will come from an idolatrous people who will
bow before anything that promises their soul a room at the inn.

Yet, this is all rolling up into a picture of God’s incredible redemption from our idolatry
through His Son, Jesus Christ. God did not remove His love from His people but met us
in the middle of our transgressions by sending Jesus to be our saving substitute.

Consider the gospel today: God sending Christ even while we were yet sinners
(Romans 5:8). Where would you be today had God not pursued you in your idolatry?
Take a moment and thank Him for His faithful pursuit of you.

Written By: Drew Dukes

1 Comment

Ron C - November 24th, 2022 at 6:53am

It seems to me that today the demonic influence is strong but yet very subtle(not immediately obvious or comprehensible). It seems the idol of today has become "self"; the ultimate (I know what's best for me God) and for everyone else) the satanic tangle of deceit! Deny creation, you deny the need for a Creator and Savior. All believers should read each day Genesis 1-11.

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