Hosea 2:1-13

Today's Passage: Hosea 2:1–13

Let’s review the plot points so far… God called Hosea to marry a prostitute named Gomer.
Gomer gave birth to three children, only the first of which was Hosea’s. The second and third
child were named, Lo-Ruhamah (No Mercy) and Lo-Ammi (Not my people).

Verse 1 of chapter 2 fits better as the final verse of chapter 1. Israel shall be regathered under
one head and in that day, Jezreel will “Say to your brothers, ‘You are my people,’ and to your
sisters, ‘you have received mercy.’” In that day, all of God’s promises will be fulfilled—even
those who had rejected God will return to Him in repentance. Whereas verse 1 deals with the
future hope, verse 2 steps back into the story of the current circumstances where Gomer’s actions
and consequences will be that of Israel.

Hosea brings a formal accusation, “she is not my wife, and I am not her husband.” Rather
than a declaration of divorce, Hosea states the reality of their relationship. It’s over. As we see in
Ezekiel 16, Hosea had the right to bring severe punishment to his unfaithful wife. Yet, what we
see in his actual response show an overwhelming care and mercy for the wife whom he loves.

Gomer left Hosea for her other lovers, “who give me my bread and my water, my wool and
my flax, my oil and my drink.” Yet, because of his great love, Hosea secretly supplied Gomer’s
lovers with all that she needed. It was Hosea, rather than Gomer’s lovers, that was meeting
Gomer’s wants and needs. Hosea hoped upon hope that she would return, but she did not.

Since that didn’t work, Gomer was cut off. Her lovers supplied her with no more food or
fancy cloths. The party ended. She was left with nothing but the consequences of her

This story leaves me with deeply disturbing questions: Why did God ask Hosea to take Gomer
as a wife? Why would she return to such awfulness? Why would Hosea let these men take credit
for his gifts?

Then I am reminded, this is the love that God has for His Covenant People—this is the kind
of love that He has shared with us through Jesus Christ. Even as I run from him, turning to
worldly wisdom and pleasure, he showers me with love. Sometimes that love spares me from
consequences. Sometimes that love allows me to face them. Yet, God is there ready to receive.

Written By: Tyler Short

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