Romans 8:31-39

Today's Passage: Romans 8:31-39
Romans 8 might be the sweetest chapter in the entire Bible. Paul starts by explaining what spiritual life looks like but he narrows his focus in verse 31 to highlight the extent of God’s love towards us in Christ Jesus.
Paul knew firsthand how hard the Christian life can be. We are freed from spiritual chains, but the chains of life can still weigh us down. I think he writes these verses to encourage us in the midst of spiritual fatigue.
Read verses 31-36. Satan loves to cause us to doubt. Am I really saved? Did I sin beyond what Jesus paid for? If I was saved then I wouldn’t be depressed or wouldn’t be experiencing this pain. Satan loves to cause you to doubt because when you doubt you shift your focus from what God has done to what YOU have/haven’t done. And if your focus is on the problem, then you can’t run towards God. You’re stuck.
What is the solution that Paul gives? God gave his only son to die for you, and then be raised to life, and then live to make intercession for you. That’s not a future reality, it’s the present reality. Any charge or doubt that Satan brings against us now is ridiculous. It’s like someone trying to mock Tom Brady by saying, “you’ll never win at football.” It’s already done. Christ has already paid for your sin and proven it by walking out of the grave! Satan wants you to doubt what is already secure - your salvation through Jesus.
And just to drive the point home further - Paul gives an extensive list of things that are powerless to separate from God’s love. Are you spiritually weary? Are you doubting where you stand with God? Christ died and rose again so that you could experience peace with God. You don’t have to carry that doubt any longer.
Written By: Joe Weaver
Romans 8 might be the sweetest chapter in the entire Bible. Paul starts by explaining what spiritual life looks like but he narrows his focus in verse 31 to highlight the extent of God’s love towards us in Christ Jesus.
Paul knew firsthand how hard the Christian life can be. We are freed from spiritual chains, but the chains of life can still weigh us down. I think he writes these verses to encourage us in the midst of spiritual fatigue.
Read verses 31-36. Satan loves to cause us to doubt. Am I really saved? Did I sin beyond what Jesus paid for? If I was saved then I wouldn’t be depressed or wouldn’t be experiencing this pain. Satan loves to cause you to doubt because when you doubt you shift your focus from what God has done to what YOU have/haven’t done. And if your focus is on the problem, then you can’t run towards God. You’re stuck.
What is the solution that Paul gives? God gave his only son to die for you, and then be raised to life, and then live to make intercession for you. That’s not a future reality, it’s the present reality. Any charge or doubt that Satan brings against us now is ridiculous. It’s like someone trying to mock Tom Brady by saying, “you’ll never win at football.” It’s already done. Christ has already paid for your sin and proven it by walking out of the grave! Satan wants you to doubt what is already secure - your salvation through Jesus.
And just to drive the point home further - Paul gives an extensive list of things that are powerless to separate from God’s love. Are you spiritually weary? Are you doubting where you stand with God? Christ died and rose again so that you could experience peace with God. You don’t have to carry that doubt any longer.
Written By: Joe Weaver
"And if your focus is on the problem, then you can't run towards God."
This reminds me of a few weeks ago in the sermon when it was said "are you looking to the solutions to your problems as your savior, or are you looking to your Savior as the solution to your problems." I have a reminder on my phone to remind me of this every day to look to God instead of myself.
Amen! Joe, wonderful blog message and Liz's comment! The battle has already been won! When any situation in life comes up, I am running to Jesus. Enjoying the study on Romans!
Such an encouraging, uplifting post today, Joe. All of the truths stated in Romans 8 make me feel invincible through Christ Jesus!!!