Psalm 42

Today's Passage: Psalm 42

This Psalm is so impactful to those who read it because everyone, at one point or another, has experienced a downcast soul. Unfortunately, as believers, we are not exempt from spiritual drought or thirst. Life can chew us up and spit us out. It can leave us feeling broken and abandoned by God (v9). It doesn’t make you a bad Christian to be in that place. I’ve been there…and so have countless others. The big question that we must answer is where is your hope? (V5,11) Let’s dive in.

The author of this Psalm is important. Who are the Sons of Korah? Most scholars think they are descendants of the wicked Levites that were swallowed up by the ground in Numbers 16. Korah and his rebellion of 250 men were all killed, but God spared his young sons. After seven generations they were eventually allowed to serve as doorkeepers for the tabernacle.

I bring this up because it’s important to understand their spiritual longing to be in the temple worshiping the Lord. They had experienced the “waves and breakers” of life. It appeared that God had truly forgotten about them. Maybe you feel that way right now. You can remember the days when you loved to praise the Lord, but lately, life has beaten you down and you feel more sorrow than joy. You feel forgotten rather than loved by God.

God still had a purpose for the sons of Korah and he still has a purpose for you. In two different places, the Psalmists wrote,

“Why are you cast down, O my soul,
and why are you in turmoil within me?
Hope in God; for I shall again praise him,
my salvation and my God.”

In the longing, what is your hope? See, sometimes God uses those low points in our life to create in us greater faith, dependence, and gratitude for his steadfast love. One commentator writes, “Sometimes God teaches us effectually to know the worth of his mercies by the want of them.” Is God teaching you the worth of his mercies? Is he teaching you what it means to be fully and totally dependent upon him? If so, then place your hope in the rock of your salvation - the God who never moves or changes. Even though right now you are in turmoil, trust that he will restore you to praise him again!

If you’re not in that season of longing, how can you come alongside your brothers and sisters in Christ and help? Be with them in the valleys. Romans 12:15 says, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” We were never meant to live the Christian life alone, so shoulder someone else’s burden and walk with them in faith. Point them to their hope in Christ Jesus.

Written By: Joe Weaver


Reva - September 10th, 2022 at 7:17am

Such a good commentary, Joe. Very encouraging and the best reminder to keep our hope in Jesus, and nothing else!!!!

Liz Wynstra - September 10th, 2022 at 7:41am

So encouraging! Loved this

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