Psalm 34

Today's Passage: Psalm 34

What would your life look like if praise to God was always running through your minds, captivating your heart, and flowing from your mouth?

Take a second to think about that.

I can imagine I would be a lot less stressed about things. I would have more Gospel conversations. My actions would reflect Jesus. I would know Scripture and have memorized more of it. Church, quiet time, and discipleship would always be a priority, above everything else. When times were difficult, I would run to God for help. I would lead and love my wife in a godly way at all times.

The next question: Why isn’t it? What keeps you from praising God at all times? Is He only worthy of praise when things are good? Or is He worthy when things are bad?

One helpful tool I have found and used in my own life to remind me to praise God is the ACTS prayer method. It stands for:

Adoration. Taking time to adore God. Praise Him. Think about His character and how that impacts our life.

Confession. Taking time to ask for forgiveness. We mess up every day (consciously, but sometimes subconsciously), and we need to repent.

Thanksgiving. Taking time to call out all the things in your life you are thankful for.

Supplication. Taking time to make requests to God (health issues, salvation of family, etc.). It’s basically sharing your needs with God.

And I love this prayer method because Adoration is the first step. There have been many times in my own life were I just make requests and forget to praise God.

Take time and use the ACTS prayer method.

Written By: Brice Stockton

1 Comment

Diana Foraker - September 1st, 2022 at 7:38am

Thank you Brice for this reminder and for giving us the steps to make this a priority in our everyday life!!!

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