Psalm 22

Today's Passage: Psalm 22

Psalm 22 is about Jesus. We can make the case that every Psalm points us to Jesus, but Psalm 22 goes much further.

David in this Psalm is crying out because he feels abandoned by God. Jesus would come and experience true abandonment from God. God poured out all His wrath upon Jesus at the cross. For Jesus, the physical torment was horrible, but the disunity from God the Father was something He never experienced.

But I love Psalm 22 because it proves Jesus is the Savior and the fulfillment of the Messiah.

We know this Psalm foreshadows the cross in several ways:
•(v. 1) My God, my God, why have you forsaken me… Jesus says on the cross in Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34
•(v. 7) They wag their heads… alluding to Matthew 27:39, Mark 15:29
•(v. 15) my tongue sticks to my jaws… Matthew 27:48 they gave Jesus a drink
•(v. 16-17) they have pierced my hands and feet, I count all my bones… crucifixion required being nailed to the cross; Jesus’ legs were not broken on the cross because He was already dead
•(v. 18) they divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots… seen in John 19:23-24, Matthew 27:35, Mark 15:24, Luke 23:34

There is no way all of this happened by coincidence. David didn’t just happen to write this 1,000 years before Jesus was ever born. Jesus is the fulfillment of Psalm 22 and the greater David!

Written By: Brice Stockton

1 Comment

Norma White - August 18th, 2022 at 5:43am

Wow! This psalm was an eye opener! I am now reading this scripture in a new light. There are so many references to Jesus Christ here! And King David lived centuries before Jesus. Astonishing!

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