Psalm 20

Today’s Passage: Psalm 20

I think this Psalm is vital for where we are in today’s culture. Trust is a big thing. We rarely truly give someone else our trust. We are so on guard. We often just end up trusting in ourselves as best as we can. David, in this Psalm, asks us a very important question… Where do you place your trust?

That question is worded very intentionally…

1) We all have trust that we give somewhere… it's not a matter of if but where.
2) We place our trust in people and things, including ourselves.
3) Where we place our trust is a choice.

Look again at verse 7… “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”

David challenges us to not put our trust in earthly things. For them it was chariots and horses. They provided security, safety, and comfort. For us it is things like money, approval, politics, etc. Where do you place your trust?

David calls us to intentionally not place our trust in any of those kinds of things but instead to place our trust in the Lord God. God right now is sitting on His throne in heaven. Jesus is interceding for you. He is worthy of your trust. He will not do anything to lose it.

Why can we trust the Lord God? This Psalm gives us a few reasons…

1) He knows our heart and cares for our heart (v.3-4)
2) He is sovereign and has a plan - He is in control (v.6)
3) He hears and answers our prayers (v.6)
4) He will never fall (v.8)
5) He is the KING (v.9)

1) Why do you struggle to place your full trust in God?
2) How does this Psalm challenge and encourage you?

Written By: Nick Parsons


Norma White - August 16th, 2022 at 5:54am

Indeed! I agree. This psalm is so right for today's world, particularly verse 7. I strongly believe we are in the last days. I think it is critical that we keep our trust in God, study the scriptures, pray, and reach as many people with the Gospel as we can.

Nora Cardona - August 16th, 2022 at 5:57am

I like how you broke this down, Nick. If we do not intentionally choose to trust God, it would be our default to trusting in ourselves per our human nature. When we consider how awesome God is, trusting Him should be an easy choice.

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