Psalm 5

Today’s Passage: Psalm 5

David begins this psalm by asking the Lord to hear him in three different ways, emphasizing his heart behind the request. He longed for an audience with God, and the encounter mattered enough to him to be intentional with his time. He prays and makes a sacrifice in the morning, a lengthy process that would set the tone for the rest of the day. He then watches, waiting expectantly for the Lord to indeed lead him in His righteousness. 

David knew God intimately. He is called in Scripture a “man after God’s own heart”. Yes, he made mistakes, but he truly loved the Lord and desired to be obedient. He knew and loved the Law of God, and David had committed his life to following Him. Because of all of these things, he desired God’s will above his own will. When David prayed, he could be confident that God would answer because David knew he was asking for things that aligned with God’s will, character, and commands. 

When I start my day surrendering control to the Lord and saying, “Your will, not my will”, then what will I pray for? Things that God desires. I will pray to be led by the Spirit, for my heart to break when God’s heart does, for opportunities to share the Gospel. There are many commands in Scripture that we know are God’s will for us to obey, and He desires to help us in them when we ask. Therefore, I can watch and expect for God to fulfill it. 

What commands in Scripture are you praying God helps you to obey?

Written By: Kaitlin White

1 Comment

Barbara Vellios - July 29th, 2022 at 7:06am

1 Thes 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus. Thank you Kaitlin, for the good word and reminder. I find it too easy to grumble and be discontent, looking at circumstances instead of fixing my eyes on Jesus. So thankful that we can pray to have Him help us obey.

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