Luke 12:49-59

Luke 12:49-59

Jesus, at the end of chapter 12, gives us three sobering analogies: division, interpreting the times, and settling with your accuser. These sections can be troubling for us to read. I thought Jesus came to bring peace on Earth? I thought Jesus came to pay our debts? In order to make sense of these teachings, I think we need to read them as one message.

Did Jesus come to make families bicker with one another? No, of course not. Luke 19 tells us that Jesus came to “seek and to save the lost.” He is seeking and saving the lost because there is a day coming when ALL will stand before a holy judge (God almighty) and have to give an account for their life - and currently, they stand “guilty!” Jesus came because Heaven and Hell are real places, and those who do not believe/confess that he is Lord will spend eternity in Hell (Rom 3:23, 6:23).

In other words, Jesus is telling them to read the forecast - judgment day is coming! The alarm is sounding, but in the same breath, he says it’s not too late. There is still a chance to settle your debts with God - simply place your faith in Jesus.

The world wants to paint Christianity as judgmental and exclusive. Telling people they are going to Hell for their sins. In one sense, they are right. That is what Jesus is doing in this passage, but what they fail to see is the grace of his message. Jesus is warning them of their present reality and providing them with the remedy through shedding his blood. Every single person stands guilty before God, but there is no debt that Jesus is not willing to pay to save us.

Let’s apply this. Are you living like the day of Judgment is on the horizon? If Jesus’ words are true, then there should be a sense of urgency in our faith. This could very well be the last day you have to share the gospel with your lost family, friends, co-workers, and lost image-bearers.

Are you living like you have settled with your accuser? The devil loves to have us doubt our salvation. When Jesus saved me, did he forgive that one thing I did that I never told anyone about? Did he cover all these sins that I keep falling into? When you doubt, recall this promise, “he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them” (Heb 7:25). When we truly embrace that truth, then we can live with the peace of having full assurance of faith.

Family Discussion
  • What did it cost Jesus to save you?
  • What is the cost of following Jesus?
  • Does your faith have a sense of urgency?

By: Joe Weaver

1 Comment

Jonathan - June 18th, 2022 at 6:44am


When you mentioned sharing the gospel with others, “lost image-bearers” stood out to me for some reason. While I knew what it was, this short Bible Project video helped my understanding, so I wanted to share. Thanks!

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