Luke 9:28-45

Luke 9:28-45

Today, let’s focus specifically on verses 28-36, looking at the transfiguration of Jesus.

What should we see and apply from this passage of Scripture?

And as he was praying, the appearance of his face was altered, and his clothing became dazzling white. (29) It seems that Jesus is wanting Peter, James, and John to get a glimpse of the glory of Jesus in this encounter. That is why he is seen as being dazzling white, referring to light and purity. We will touch on this in the next point as well, but the point is that Jesus is more glorious than anything else that we could possibly comprehend.

Is the glory of Jesus reflected in your life? Where are you prone to bring more glory to yourself than to Jesus?

Jesus is the fulfillment of the law and prophets, represented as Moses and Elijah, respectively. These two men were highly regarded, and for good reason! The greatness of Jesus here is not meant to diminish these men, but to put them in their rightful place—their purpose was to simply point to Christ, not be Christ. No law or prophecy can save someone, only the gospel of Jesus Christ can! The law and prophets exist to point us to the hope we have in Christ.

In your life, what has the dominant place of greatness? What good things that God has given you can become idolatrous?

Jesus is greater and has more authority than that of Moses and Elijah. As great as these figures are, Jesus is better because Jesus is God. They are but shadows of Jesus. Notice the voice (the presence of God the Father) tells the disciples to listen and obey the authority of Jesus. This does not mean that the writings of Moses or Elijah (or any other Biblical author for that matter) do not carry authority or sufficiency; it is simply meaning that Jesus has ultimate authority because he is God. Moses and Elijah have authority because of Jesus, not because of themselves.

Who is the ultimate authority in your life? Do you follow your own desires or the desires of others, more than the authority of God and His Word?

By: Graham Withers

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