Luke 3:1-20

Luke 3:1-20

In Luke 3 we see John the Baptist living out the calling that he was given in Luke 1 fulfilling the prophecy given in Isaiah 40. He was living with one purpose… to proclaim the way of the Lord.

He was proclaiming this to the Jewish people. They believed they were good with God for keeping the law, looking good to God and others, and even family heritage. John the Baptist had bad news and good news for them.


First, he tells them that they really are not as righteous as they think that they are (v.7-9). This must have stung but it was for their good. They thought they were “keeping the law”. They thought that they were doing everything that they had to do but then came this prophet of God who told them that this was not the case.

But John knew what we often forget. We cannot help people repent from sin that they do not know exists. So he did the hard, awkward, and possibly tension causing thing… He told them about their sin.

Second, he shoots down their “second hope” - their heritage. I love how he says this, “Do not even begin to…” (v.8b). He knew that when faced with their sin they would do what we often do - try to justify it. We run to things like all the good things are doing, or how tough temptation is. They run to something else… their family history. They run to the fact that they are children of Abraham. John kindly reminds them that before God family history cannot be a justification for sin.

They look at Him and ask him “what they should do’” and he helps them understand what it means to follow God genuinely. We are often scared to speak truth because it “might push people away” but without someone lovingly telling them truth they will never come into repentance - Romans 10:14-15. They were cut to the heart.

Then he tells them the GOOD NEWS. There is someone who is coming after Him. The one who they have waited for. The one that they have prayed for. The one whom they have looked forward to. And he was going to baptize them with the Holy Spirit. He was going to usher in salvation. They didn’t have to figure it out… they had to submit and surrender - which if we are honest is much harder.

We have the same choice today. Following Jesus is not about doing enough good things - though good things are better than bad things. It is not about looking good to others or even to God. Following Jesus is not like a social media profile where we can just put the good parts forward and hide the bad parts.

It is real. It is about surrender. It is about submission. It is about laying down our lives and trusting in Jesus and his life.

What else stuck out to you in Luke today?

By: Nick Parsons

1 Comment

Andrew Davis - May 31st, 2022 at 9:02pm

It’s interesting that John talks to them about repentance but also tells them to put there money where there mouth is by actually doing things that glorify God. Showing generosity and compassion living and working with integrity.

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