Luke 1:57-80

Luke 1:57-80

TENDER MERCY – (σπλάγχνα ἐλέους)

These words jumped off the page at my when reading this passage of Scripture. In our passage, Elizabeth gives birth to John the Baptist, which immediately turns to Zechariah’s prophecy of John and Jesus. In Zechariah’s prophecy, he states that salvation and the forgiveness of sin is because of the tender mercy of God (v. 78).

But as we have walked through Luke so far, we have seen God show His tender mercy in many ways.

The tender mercy of God is seen in:
Elizabeth and Zechariah conceiving when she is barren
Zechariah being disciplined for his lack of faith
Mary conceiving as a virgin
John the Baptist’s being the forerunner for Jesus
The salvation Jesus brings

What is the tender mercy of God? It could very much be defined as the compassionate, gentle, merciful heart of God. It’s a characteristic of God. The word “σπλάγχνα” means bowels, compassion, pity. It’s the word for tender in our passage. What it is trying to say is that tender mercy is who God is. God cannot help but to be tender in His mercy. God displays His tender mercy to undeserving creatures, which is you and I. There is nothing God needs from us. He doesn’t need us to accomplish His mission. Yet, He allows for us to partake in what He is doing. He bestows blessings on our lives that are totally undeserved.

We should be thankful for God’s tender mercy towards us that was ultimately displayed through the cross of Jesus Christ.

How has God displayed His tender mercy to you?

By: Brice Stockton

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