Genesis 18

Genesis 18

Is anything too hard for the Lord? Genesis 18:14 ESV

Sometimes, God’s plan doesn’t make sense. Just because it doesn’t make sense doesn’t mean it’s a bad plan or a wrong plan, but that we have limited understanding into God’s wisdom and abilities.

In the first part of Genesis 18, the Lord appears to Abraham and tells him that his wife would conceive and bear a son. To this, Sarah laughs. (Honestly, who among us would not have reacted similarly?) God’s response is theological.

God is making a statement about who he is and what his capabilities are. What is laughably hard for us is nothing to God.

What in your life are you “laughing” at right now? Is it a sin struggle that you have not been able to break? A friend or family member that is straying from Christ? Someone you have been praying with and sharing the gospel with for a long time that hasn’t come to Christ?

I can’t promise you that God will answer your prayers the way you desire them—we are promised hope for the future that will be fulfilled in eternity, not on earth. But what I can promise you is that God knows, God cares more than it feels like he does, and that NOTHING is too hard for God.

Our role is to trust in this God that nothing is too hard for and seek to be faithful, no matter what. I love this quote by Jerry Bridges: “The cure for impatience with the fulfillment of God’s timetable is to believe His promises, obey His will, and leave the results to Him.”

My prayer is that your trust in God and your faithfulness to God would grow, and that you would trust him no matter what.

Discussion Question:
What is your biggest “laughable” in your life right now?

By: Graham Withers

1 Comment

Reva - March 1st, 2022 at 7:14am

Didn't get to read this until now-such good worlds and this encourages me so very much. Thank you, Graham.

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