The Light is Coming

Waiting for Light to Come | Erik Reed


Darkness is disorienting. If you have ever awakened in the middle of the night during a power outage, the darkness can confuse you. Darkness is the absence of light. Physical light radiates and draws our attention when we are in darkness. If you wake up in the middle of the night on a normal occasion, your eyes often catch the lights from electronics, streetlights outside, and light from other rooms in the house. The light illuminates the darkness. When the power goes out, and we awaken to the darkness, our eyes are unable to find light. That darkness leaves us blind and unable to see.

In the Bible, the imagery of light and darkness is used to communicate spiritual realities. Light often represents truth, holiness, and obedience. Darkness represents being spiritually blind, living in rebellion and sin, and separation from communion with God. The Scriptures teach that darkness pervades our sinful and broken world. We see it evidenced soon after Adam and Eve’s sin when one of their children murdered the other one. We find the display of this darkness in terrible stories of rape, murder, and idolatry. There is a low-humming groan pervasive in the storyline of the Bible that begs for relief. Darkness that craves light. Despair that yearns for hope.

Our passage today captures the glory of that hope and light that bursts onto the scene. The Word who was from the beginning, with God, and as God, had life in him. And his life was the light of men. In the Word was spiritual life, which is the opposite of what the world had known to that point—spiritual death. The spiritual life that Jesus brings is the light of men. When you receive Jesus, you receive the life. And when you receive the life, you receive the light. Faith in Jesus overcomes the darkness in our hearts. With new life we walk in the light instead of the darkness. We find spiritual life and vitality only in the Word who is from the beginning coming into the world.

Jesus’ entrance into a world of darkness is incredible. The darkness has no power to fight against the light of Jesus. He pierces the darkness. The world marked by evil, sin, death, judgment, and unbelief dwells in darkness. But Jesus comes into that world and that darkness is no match for Him.

The world is dark. We feel it. We see it. There are tremendous political and social divisions in our country and world. Darkness is all around. But Jesus has come. He is life and that life is the light of men. We can stand confident that the darkness has not and will not triumph. Jesus, the true light, who gives light to everyone (John 1:9), came into the world so rescue men, women, and children out of the darkness and into his marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9).

Questions for Reflection
  • Has there been a time you’ve experienced the disorienting nature of darkness? What feelings did it create?
  • What is the significance of describing the broken world as darkness and Jesus as the light?
  • What does it mean for us to walk in the light and not to walk in darkness?
  • If we are in Christ, how does He keep the darkness from overcoming us?

This advent devotion, Waiting for Light to Come, was written by Erik Reed and borrowed with permission from Knowing Jesus Ministries. You can find the original publication and more information at

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