Matthew 4

July Memory Verse: But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33 (NIV)

Read: Matthew 4

One of the most fascinating things for me as I’ve studied the Gospels is that Jesus constantly subverts the expectations of who the Messiah is and what he would come to do. Jesus could not and cannot be placed in a box as He simply refuses to conform to our expectations. The most dangerous thing people can do is think that Jesus is who I want Him to be. He is not. This is clear early in the Gospel of Matthew as Jesus sets out establishing what many have called the “Upside-down Kingdom.”

Matthew wrote to a Jewish audience and spent effort to connect Jesus to the Old Testament Scripture, showing that Jesus is the greater Moses. In Matthew 5–7, Jesus will teach the Sermon on the Mount and give us authoritative teaching like no other. Matthew 4 sets that up as Jesus endures the temptation of Satan, begins his ministry, calls the disciples, and sets out ministering to the multitudes.

Many people have taught on the Temptation of Jesus and point out the fact that Jesus rightly divided the Word of Truth to battle the Enemy. The “Upside-down Kingdom” is founded on the truth of God’s Word. Whereas Satan twists God’s Word, by Jesus’ power in our lives and by His Word, we too can withstand the Enemy.

Not only is Jesus’ example one we should emulate, Matthew is telling this interesting story to present Jesus to his Jewish audience as the Messiah. As one commentator pointed out,

“Interestingly Satan’s temptations of Eve in the Garden of Eden correspond to those of Jesus in the desert. Satan appealed to the physical appetite (Gen. 3:1–3; Matt. 4:3), the desire for personal gain (Gen. 3:4–5; Matt. 4:6), and an easy path to power or glory (Gen. 3:5–6; Matt. 4:8–9). And in each case Satan altered God’s Word (Gen. 3:4; Matt. 4:6). Satan’s temptations of people today often fall into the same three categories (cf. 1 John 2:16). The One who had identified Himself with sinners by baptism and who would provide righteousness proved He is righteous, and revealed His approval by the Father.”

This world runs toward the greatest personal fulfillment of Satan’s temptations—appetite, gain, and glory. Jesus’ “Upside-down Kingdom” recognizes these things as gifts from the Lord and readily submits them to God’s will. God gave us an appetite and the ability to enjoy food—we need it to survive. The first thing that will happen for believers when we enter eternity is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb—we’re going to throw a party and EAT! Likewise, believers experience great gain and glory, but only through a relationship with Christ (Phil 3:8; Rom 8:18).

The “Upside-down Kingdom” has much different values than the world. Aside from the temptation, this is also seen in that Jesus started his ministry in the backwaters. Jesus didn’t start in the metropolitan areas, He didn’t go after kings, queens, and world rulers. He could have. He started with the lowly.

This becomes evident in those He chose to be His disciples. These were not scholarly aristocratic religious elites. They were poor fishermen and hated tax collectors. As Jesus went along, His fame spread. What He offered was so different from what the world offered, people could not help but go and see.

As we think about ourselves, this passage provides great comfort. We can withstand the temptations of the Enemy through the power of Christ. And if we present Christ as He is, the multitudes will follow. We must simply be faithful to proclaim the “Upside-down Kingdom.”

By: Tyler Short


Susan D’S - July 6th, 2021 at 7:27am

The “readily submits” part is the kicker. :)

Tyler Short - July 6th, 2021 at 11:24am


Naomi Austin - July 6th, 2021 at 11:28am

“I can do whatever I want to do!” (oft-repeated words from our 5yrold). And too often I find myself squirming at the assignments/restrictions God gives me, for His own reasons which I don’t need to understand. Even Jesus didn’t always get what He wanted. Even God the Father doesn’t always get what He wants.

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