2 Thessalonians 2

June Memory Verse: All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV)

Read: 2 Thessalonians 2

The people of Thessalonica very much struggled with the return of Christ. Paul discussed the Day of the Lord in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, and he addresses it again here in our passage. What happened was that false teachers began telling people that Jesus had already come (v. 2) and it was causing a lot of confusion and worry for these believers.

Paul begins to clarify that there is an order to Jesus’ second coming. The first prerequisite to the Day is a great rebellion (v. 3a) and the appearance of the man of lawlessness (v. 3b). The man of lawlessness is also referred to as the Antichrist in other passages. But he will come and exalt himself and claim to be God (v. 4). He will also lead many people astray (v. 9-12).

And as powerful as the man of lawlessness may seem to be, in reality, he is really not that strong. It says Jesus will slay him with His breath (v. 8). I picture it like someone blowing out their birthday candles. Is the birthday candle hot? Yes, if you get close enough to it. But with one breath the fire goes out. So it will be when Jesus slays the man of lawlessness.

Our job in all of this is to follow Paul’s instructions to the Thessalonians in verse 15. We are to stand firm on the truth of the Gospel. We are to have comfort, hope, and strength (v. 16-17) because of the salvation that was brought to us (v. 13-14).

If we have a relationship with God, we do not need to worry about the man of lawlessness, because there is nothing that he could do to take us away from Jesus.

How does this passage give you hope? What is your call to action from this passage?

By: Brice Stockton


Jordan Hampton - June 11th, 2021 at 6:07am

All of these passages about the second coming serve as a continual reminder where ultimate hope, joy, and peace should be from. We see the unmatched power of Christ, which is who all of these things rests in, and the promise for those who have believed in him, that we will ultimately be going to be with and worship Him forever. So often, my hope rests in this current age because I forget that I am an exile in a foreign land. May the Lord help us all keep our eyes and minds fixed on Him and our home to come.

Korbet Finley - June 11th, 2021 at 6:21am

In reading all the details about the man of lawlessness and the deception of the many, it has a "nearness" quality to it. It can be frightening to think about it all, to think about the ones you love who are lost.

Thankfully, verses 13-16, direct us and offer a remedy to that which is so concerning. Dwelling on those verses gives real hope and grace to the reader.

Wonderful illustration, Brice. Thank you.

Mike Pepper - June 11th, 2021 at 6:46am

12) Then they will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than believing the truth.

Thanks for the commentary today Brice. Verse twelve stood out to me today. Do you see people around you who are “enjoying evil rather than believing the truth”? I certainly do. Although no man knows the day or the hour of the Lord's return the evidence I see indicates that we are getting closer & closer to the end of the age. Satan’s time is short and wickedness on the Earth will continue to increase until the Lord returns. Sharing the gospel has always been important but our sense of urgency has never been greater than it is today. Have a blessed weekend CPC Jumpstart readers and I’ll look forward to seeing you at worship this Sunday.

Lindsay Crawford - June 11th, 2021 at 11:11am

“For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out o the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed…”,

Who is doing the holding back but the Holy Spirit, who lives within us? When the Lord receives us in the rapture, then the Holy Spirit will go with us; the anti-Christ will be restrained no more and be revealed.

Believers should have no fear, except for those who are unsaved. We should all be feeling a sense of urgency in getting the Gospel out every chance we get.

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