Romans 2:1-16

May Memory Verse: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 NIV

Read: Romans 2:1-16

We who enjoy the bounty of God’s grace are often the ones who are last to extend it.  

The end of chapter 1 speaks to the destruction of all those who oppose God and elevate themselves over God.  Paul continues that thought here in Romans 2 by reminding us that we often do the same thing!  Even though we’ve received the wonderful riches of God’s grace to us in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:4-9) we easily forget and act as though we accomplished sanctification on our own.  Our whole Christian journey is an act of God’s grace and kindness toward us. (v.4)

Stop right now and thank God for His grace and kindness to you.  What can you thank Him for?

Paul exhorts us – Don’t continue in your sin! (v.5)  Don’t live as if you don’t know God.  Don’t be stubborn and refuse to turn from your sin… (v.5a)  Because God is just.

Many times we make the same mistake that Paul is accusing the readers of this letter of.  We have God’s law – but we fail to obey it (v.12b).  He reminds us…

Merely listening to the law (hearing preaching, podcasts, reading good books) doesn’t make us right with God.  It is obeying the law that makes us right in His sight. (v.13)

Although our righteousness and standing before God is completely and only through the finished work of Jesus on the cross for us, obedience to God’s law is critical for our growth and ongoing relationship with our Father.  Disobedience separates us from Him.  Not Him from us (that was settled on the cross) – but us from Him.  Sin always separates.

What is there in your life right now that you are a slave to?  Is there any unconfessed, undealt with sin that you need to confess and forsake?

It’s important for all of us to remember that we have no secrets from God.  Whatever we are trying to hide – God knows (v.16b).

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable.  Hebrews 4:13

What are you trying to hide from God?  Search your heart – confess it to God.  It's the “secret things” that hold us back from achieving all that God desires for us.

How did God speak to you today through the reading of His Word?  Please share those things in the COMMENTS to encourage the rest of us.

By: Tim Parsons


Joey Stafford - May 12th, 2021 at 6:49am

It is typically only when we completely surrender to and allow the Holy Spirit to work through us that we can walk in freedom from these dark corners of our heart. Very convicting and powerful devotion today!

Jordan Hampton - May 12th, 2021 at 7:14am

In certain sin struggles that last for a while, there are certain places in our hearts where we aren't fully sure if God is going to or capable of breaking us free from it. I have experienced that lately. God knows my lack of faith already, so I should bring that to Him and be honest about it as I confess that to Him. Wow, how deep sin goes.

Matt Edgar - May 12th, 2021 at 7:24am

The Lord has recently convicted me of my lack of dependence and trust in Him - particularly in the area of academics. I've been telling myself over the years that while I enjoy academics and work hard in them, they are not an idol and ultimately my worth is in the Lord. The anxiety I started facing during this season of final exams brought to light the pride and idolatry that I had been hiding through lies to myself. I'm praying for God to continually bring things like this to light and help me truly be dependent on him! Thankful for your words this morning!

Jake Nichols - May 12th, 2021 at 7:30am

V12-16 always remind me of Proverbs 21:2

A person may think their own ways are right, but the LORD weighs the heart.

Nick Wilkins - May 12th, 2021 at 7:46am

Recently, I have been reminded about (1) how I am a hearer of the Word and (2) how I do not provide people with salvation.

1) Just like Tim pointed out from verse 13 that listening to sermons, reading good books, and podcasts are good, but they do NOT make you right with God. It has been exposed to me that I am being poured into constantly, but when I reflect and meditate on how I am 'doing' the Law then I see where I continually fall short. By no means will I be perfect or arrive in my sanctification, but I must improve in the 'doing' of the Law. This summer, as I go home, I am praying James 1:22.

2) Being a man that is so works driven and striving to accomplish my goals, sharing the Gospel, and pouring into lost people's lives can become a game of "how much can I do to get them to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior?" How wicked a thought. To think that I am anywhere close to having the power or comprehension to provide someone with perfect, immeasurable, everlasting life. My heart aches as I write this and bring it into the light. I pray that this way of thinking would be put to death and replaced with a clear view of the Gospel.

Lindsay Crawford - May 12th, 2021 at 9:47am

Nick, I have had the same struggle of a works-based mentality, as so many do. It's the nature of being human. Just recognizing this as a problem is so much of the battle to confront it and allow the Holy Spirit to work through you in this area. God richly bless you this summer and provide you many opportunities to see Him working on you in this area.

Scottie Frans - May 12th, 2021 at 9:16am

I need to work on my compassion for others. As someone who works in a jail, I see what we would consider the worst that society has to offer. This has had a negative impact on how I view people. I need to see them as God sees them, as His creation that is in need of a savior. Just because their sin is a little more public than mine or yours doesn't mean they are any less capable of being saved by our loving and merciful God. Praying that I can take the love that God has shown me and show that to others by way of compassion for the lost.

Lindsay Crawford - May 12th, 2021 at 9:54am

Scottie, you have a very tough job and I thank you so much for that service.

God, please give Scottie your eyes to see people the way you do, and keep him from evil as he goes about his work. Everything we have to offer is filthy rags. Thank you for loving us any way.

Reva Lavender - May 12th, 2021 at 8:29pm

My Mom always used to say, "be sure your sins will find you out!" As a child, I didn't quite understand this, but as approached my teen years, it became very clear to me. This passage reminds of the words my Mom taught me. Even though I know I can't hide from God, I still do/say/think what I should not. Reading His Word daily is the only way to keep me on track. So thankful we have access to that anytime we need it. Thank you so much for the additional commentaries that help apply His Word. I appreciate it!

Rasheed Flowers - May 12th, 2021 at 10:48pm

Today was a good reminder to be careful in judging. I am one misstep from being in sin. And even if I haven't done something in the physical, even a thought is just as bad. It is always good to assess and look at my heart and see what sin is in me that I may be missing.

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