Acts 22

May Memory Verse: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 NIV

Read: Acts 22

Everything Changes When We Meet Jesus: Paul’s Story

Paul begins to tell his story to the people who now dislike him. He explains that he is a Jew and that he used to persecute “The Way” the Jewish sect of people who believe Jesus is the Messiah. He shares how everything changed on his way to Damascus, this is where Paul encountered Jesus of Nazareth. Paul was blinded by Jesus and led to Damascus where he met a man named Ananias where he was baptized and the called upon the name of Jesus. Paul then explains what it was like to go back to Jerusalem. He didn’t think people would accept his testimony because he used to persecute the church. Paul was chosen to know the will of God. Now, that was not where God wanted him to go, or what God wanted him to do. What Paul had to learn was that the will of God is a relationship to his Son. When Paul understood that, he had all the power he needed to do anything God asked him to do.

So many young Christians struggle at this point. They think that the will of God is some kind of itinerary they must discover, that if they can just find where God wants them to go, and what he wants them to do next, then they can do the will of God. No. The Scriptures make clear that the will of God is a relationship. It is your attitude of expectancy that Jesus Christ, living in you, will work through you. When you expect him to do that, you are in the will of God. Everything you do is in the will of God. Do anything you like, then, because it will be in God's will, unless the Holy Spirit within you indicates otherwise, according to his Word. That is what Paul learned, the power by which a Christian lives his life.

What are vital aspects of Paul's calling which apply to all who seek to know and follow God's will? Do we attempt to define or limit his will to a specific place, a particular activity? When’s the last time you shared your story? Does it bring you back to the moment where you fell in love with Jesus? Does it remind you when the “blinders” came off and you saw the world differently?

By: Tyson Steelman


Tim - May 1st, 2021 at 7:10am

So good Tyson! Thanks! It’s such a blessing to have you lead our church on our Leadership Team!

Tyson Steelman - May 1st, 2021 at 9:22am

Thanks Tim!

Lindsay Crawford - May 1st, 2021 at 8:58am

I heard someone say once that "testimony" in the believer's life means "do it again." I love that. Every time I give my testimony I'm thinking (and then saying) that God did it in my life and He can do it in yours. I am of no special position; He loves all equally. There is so much power in a personal testimony. I experience God's presence whenever I share mine, and I get to relive what He has done in my life . God is so good!

Thanks for your insight today Tyson!

Tyson Steelman - May 1st, 2021 at 9:12am

That’s good stuff Lindsay and a great reminder! Thank you for sharing.

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