Luke 22:54-71

March Memory Verse: "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." Luke 19:10 NIV

Read: Luke 22:54-71

Verses 54-62 recount Peter's denial of Jesus. Remember in verses 31-34, Peter denies Jesus's allegation of his future denial. In today's verses, we see that what Jesus said once again came true. This is probably a familiar story to you, but what are some things from Peter's account that could be useful to us?

1. Peter had good intentions. This isn't explicit in the text, but I would imagine that Peter really meant what he said in the moment.
2. Peter failed the test of temptation. In Matthew 26:36-46 we see a parallel account to what is seen in Luke 22:39-46. Three different times, Jesus comes to find that his disciples are failing to pray for him at his most desperate moment. And what does Jesus say praying will do (in both accounts)? He says that praying in this way would keep them from temptation.
3. Peter's functional and ruling desires were revealed under pressure. Peter might have had good intentions; he might have really believed that he would be faithful under pressure. But when the time came, he feared man more than he feared God.
4. Peter was ashamed because of his sin. Verse 62 says, "And he went out and wept bitterly." Have you ever had a moment where you realize just how far you've gone in your sin? Sorrow over sin is a real thing, but we must be careful that our sorrow is because of God, and not the consequences of our sin.
5. Peter was restored. In John 21:15-19, Jesus restores Peter. If Jesus can restore and forgive Peter, why would we think that he cannot forgive and restore us in our sin?

The point for us in thinking about Peter is not to look down upon Peter with a sense of superiority. Instead, we should realize that we too are capable of any sin, and that what happened to Peter could easily happen to us. Use this example as a warning and focus your prayer toward strengthening the parts of your heart that lack in these areas.

What stands out to you from this passage?

By: Graham Withers


Korbet Finley - March 31st, 2021 at 5:57am

I can recall many accounts in the Bible where being under the watchful gaze of our Lord results in a shameful awareness of our sin against God. From prophets of old to Roman soldiers of that day, none stands before Him worthy of any particular honor. As we consider the reconciliation work that is about to take place at the cross, there is a glimpse of hope here in verse 61, "the Lord turned to look at Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord..."

Let Godly sorrow do it's humbling work on your heart believer. For Christ will take your shame to the cross and in return He will gift you, not only restoration of heart and soul, but the strength and purpose of pursuing eternal abundant life.

Lindsay Crawford - March 31st, 2021 at 9:33am

Beautiful and amen!!!

Graham Withers - March 31st, 2021 at 3:22pm

Good thoughts Korbet!

Mike Pepper - March 31st, 2021 at 6:44am

Good word today Graham! I came to Christ at age nine. When I was young I looked at the “Super Heroes” of the Bible like Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, King David, Solomon, Peter, Paul, etc. and thought these men were amazing characters who possessed something very different than an ordinary boy from Kentucky. As I matured in the faith and spent more time in the Word I began to realize these were ordinary men who struggled mightily with sin just like me. They were adulterers, murders, deceivers, liars, manipulators, with a long list of sins just like men living in 2021. The beauty of the Gospel is that God redeems broken men through the blood of Christ and uses them for His glory. No one is ever too far gone. The murderer on death row can repent, ask forgiveness, and become a powerful tool for Jesus inside the walls of a prison. Shame on us if we ever think for a moment that anyone is too far gone. There’s always Hope at the foot of the cross. Praise God for Good Friday & Easter.

Graham Withers - March 31st, 2021 at 3:23pm


Scottie Frans - March 31st, 2021 at 8:51am

"Sorrow over sin is a real thing, but we must be careful that our sorrow is because of God, and not the consequences of our sin."

Great reminder here. So many times we do fear the consequences, but we should fear disappointing the one who loves us so much to give us all that he has given us. He has given us rules out of his love for us, knowing what is best for us. When we see things that way, it will change our motives, and we will act out of love for our Heavenly Father, not out of mere duty to do what the rules say.

Graham Withers - March 31st, 2021 at 3:24pm

Really good Scottie!

Naomi Austin - March 31st, 2021 at 8:56am

I really appreciated the emphasis on prayer as the key that makes the difference between having good-intentions but inevitably failing (like Peter), and having heavy trials & temptations but remaining steadfast (like Jesus).

Graham Withers - March 31st, 2021 at 3:24pm

So important Naomi!

Rachel Monroe - March 31st, 2021 at 9:13pm

I used to look down on Peter for denying Christ but as I’ve grown up and matured, my reaction is more empathic. I get wanting to do the right thing and in the heat of the moment failing miserably. I found myself reading this passage tonight and feeling Peters pain more than feeling superior. Praise the Lord that He doesn’t leave us in the condition He found us in!

Graham Withers - April 1st, 2021 at 5:50am

Yes praise God!

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