Luke 1

March Memory Verse: "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." Luke 19:10 NIV

Read: Luke 1
By: Tim Parsons


Thomas Carter - March 3rd, 2021 at 6:32am

Thanks Tim!

I liked what you said about verse 45. It really is that simple. We'll be blessed if we simply believe what God says in His Word.

Something else that stood out to me today are the praises that are recorded from Mary (46-55) and Zechariah (67-79). In both instances they are overwhelmed by the Lord's goodness and can't help but praise Him. It's easy to remember to pray when I'm struggling with something. But when things are also going well, I need to stop and praise Him. Give credit to whom the credit is due.

Susan D’S - March 3rd, 2021 at 8:26am

Listening to that read aloud was wonderful. I just pictured what it might have been like to be Mary. What an extraordinary girl! And how kind of God to encourage her through Elizabeth’s words. Obviously, Mary carried those words in her heart for decades, and was able to tell Luke exactly what was said and what Elizabeth’s recognition of Mary’s special child meant to her. I wonder if that supernatural acknowledgement was what carried her through all the raised eyebrows and Joseph’s doubts and everything she faced at the hands of everyone who couldn’t possibly understand.

Also... Zachariah. Dang. What was it like to be him? I noticed that he was actually mute until 8 days after John was born, and it’s as if he was healed only when he acknowledged in front of everybody that Elizabeth was right. Hehe. That made me chuckle. But really, it also made me think (this coming from a person who can talk) that sometimes we do best to ponder in silence, so that when we finally open our mouths, what comes out is straight from God. (The Israelites marching around Jericho in silence comes to mind.)

Thanks, Tim.

Lindsay R Crawford - March 3rd, 2021 at 10:12am

Great post Susan. Love your thoughts on Zachariah.

Scottie Frans - March 3rd, 2021 at 9:28am

Great chapter of scripture! I love the foreshadowing we see here of John and Jesus. It is such an important part of the gospels. I also appreciate the heart of Mary. She had her questions, she didn't know how it would be possible to have a baby, but she trusted God anyway. So many times we can know what God is saying to us, but we have our doubts anyway. All it takes is trusting Him to allow God to do His work through us. Sometimes we just need to get out of our own way and trust God to move. If we have a faith and a heart like Mary, God can and will do big things through us!

Lindsay R Crawford - March 3rd, 2021 at 10:13am

Trust. Little word, easy to say, a challenge to do. What blessings when it happens.

Mattie crawford - March 3rd, 2021 at 7:11pm

This is good stuff, I'm pretty excited we are in Luke now, its one of my favorites. I LOVE vs 77-79, even before Jesus was born Zecharias knew what He was going to accomplish, shining a light on those who live in darkness, guiding our feet in the way of peace. Thats what I need and He is doing it, bc like you said, we can trust the word of God, I am so glad that what He came to do so long ago He is still doing, thankful to be know it. Thanks Pastor Tim!

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