Galatians 3
January Memory Verse: Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. Mark 8:34 (NIV)
Read: Galatians 3
Yesterday, at the end of Galatians 2, Paul makes the statement: "I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose." (2:21, ESV) This flows directly into what we are reading today in Galatians 3: the relationship between faith and works.
In verses 1-9, Paul is trying to distinguish between faith and works by asking a series of rhetorical questions to the churches in Galatia. His point is to remind them that their salvation is not based on their works but on the finished work of Christ, whom they have faith in. The Savior that Abraham and other Old Testament giants looked forward to, we look back on. And on top of all that, the same faith that saved them is also the same faith that sustains and transforms them.
If that wasn't strong enough, Paul goes on in verse 10 to say that if for some reason you're still relying on works to save you, you're cursed! Verse 13 gives great beauty to Jesus becoming a curse on our behalf by dying on the cross for our sin.
I know many of us would never claim that we earn God's love by our behavior, but how many times have you felt ashamed following a slip up into sin or after a blow up with your spouse? How many times have you felt more confident that God could use you when entering into a discipleship or evangelism opportunity after having a nice, quiet morning reading Jumpstart and drinking your coffee, than if you'd overslept, rushed out the door and yelled at your kids on the way out? These simple examples can be a subtle way of how we still functionally operate under a works-based mindset.
What is the solution? We must be aware of the tendencies of our own heart to still work to earn God's acceptance instead of resting in the gospel. The power of God's Word and the gospel should be present in our minds, but also sought to be lived out and reflected in our lives.
What are some way that you see your sin expressed in this particular way? How have you seen God renew your mind in the gospel and grow you through it?
By: Graham Withers
Read: Galatians 3
Yesterday, at the end of Galatians 2, Paul makes the statement: "I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose." (2:21, ESV) This flows directly into what we are reading today in Galatians 3: the relationship between faith and works.
In verses 1-9, Paul is trying to distinguish between faith and works by asking a series of rhetorical questions to the churches in Galatia. His point is to remind them that their salvation is not based on their works but on the finished work of Christ, whom they have faith in. The Savior that Abraham and other Old Testament giants looked forward to, we look back on. And on top of all that, the same faith that saved them is also the same faith that sustains and transforms them.
If that wasn't strong enough, Paul goes on in verse 10 to say that if for some reason you're still relying on works to save you, you're cursed! Verse 13 gives great beauty to Jesus becoming a curse on our behalf by dying on the cross for our sin.
I know many of us would never claim that we earn God's love by our behavior, but how many times have you felt ashamed following a slip up into sin or after a blow up with your spouse? How many times have you felt more confident that God could use you when entering into a discipleship or evangelism opportunity after having a nice, quiet morning reading Jumpstart and drinking your coffee, than if you'd overslept, rushed out the door and yelled at your kids on the way out? These simple examples can be a subtle way of how we still functionally operate under a works-based mindset.
What is the solution? We must be aware of the tendencies of our own heart to still work to earn God's acceptance instead of resting in the gospel. The power of God's Word and the gospel should be present in our minds, but also sought to be lived out and reflected in our lives.
What are some way that you see your sin expressed in this particular way? How have you seen God renew your mind in the gospel and grow you through it?
By: Graham Withers
I get caught up from time to time in the "box checking" mentality, specifically with time in the word and prayer. I read my bible today: check! I prayed today: check! I think we can use those very good things in a very bad way as a sort of justification in our minds. We think that because we are doing them, we are saved. However, that is not right at all. Yes, we need to do those things, but not because it will save us. Those things should be a product or result of our salvation, not as a way to earn it. If we are in Christ, we can't earn any more salvation than we already have by reading the Bible straight through. We can't lose salvation because we missed a day or two of reading, or we haven't prayed in a while. We shouldn't check boxes, we should be drawn to God by a desire to grow closer to the One who saved us. I have to remind myself of this so I don't get caught up in the works based mentality mentioned here.
I think a lot of us can relate to that!
Such good points, Scottie. I have fallen victim to this same way of thinking -not completely conscientiously, but very subtly. I think its sometimes just a knee jerk, flesh response that has to be immediately held captive and refuted with God's promises. I think this one has to be dealt with continually.
I think a lot of us can relate to that!
It's so easy to turn good things into sinful things! Good thoughts!
I think a lot of us can relate to that!
Such good points, Scottie. I have fallen victim to this same way of thinking -not completely conscientiously, but very subtly. I think its sometimes just a knee jerk, flesh response that has to be immediately held captive and refuted with God's promises. I think this one has to be dealt with continually.
I think a lot of us can relate to that!
Good words today Graham and Scottie. Throughout human history man has struggled with the concept of working to earn God's favor and our salvation. Scripture tells us that God's ways are higher than man's ways and the wisdom of God is foolishness to the perishing. Everything in our culture points to working to earn the "good life". You excel in school and you're rewarded with A's or academic scholarships. You excel at work and you get that promotion or sales bonus, etc. Christ followers should work hard and give their best effort as though working for the Lord and not human masters. However when we cross the line of believing we are earning God's favor or contributing to our salvation then we are denying the cross and taking away from God's marvelous grace. Thanks for reminding us of this Graham.
Good step to take Emily!
Great points here in the post and in the comments. I also get caught up in the box checking mentality sometimes. Time to humble and examine my heart in this area.
Good step to take Emily!
Good thoughts Mike!
Good step to take Emily!
Great points here in the post and in the comments. I also get caught up in the box checking mentality sometimes. Time to humble and examine my heart in this area.
Good step to take Emily!
Thanks for the reminder Graham - I can't earn my salvation and I can't keep it - both are done by God through His Grace.
"Therefore the Law has become our tutor..." (Gal.3:24)
Tutor. Tireless schoolmaster. Guardian. Strict old schoolmarm. Jailer for the guilty condemned sinners, on death row awaiting God's judgment. But if we fail to know the purpose of the law as God intended it, we have a no hope, we have a heavy burden.
"...our tutor to lead us to Christ..."
Now we are getting somewhere! The law cannot save, and it wasn't meant to, but it simply reveals our need for forgiveness, for Christ.
Understanding the purpose of God's law has been a real growth experience over the years.
Good stuff Korbet!
I struggle with this so much. I look to myself to see how my relationship with God is based on how pious I've been that week rather than always looking to the finished work of Jesus. Paul Washer talks a lot about getting into idolatry of works, where our god becomes our performance. By all means, we should have godly grief, but because we want to enjoy the full intimacy with Him, not because we've lost some of His love. The biggest way God has been growing me out of this is growing me in dependence and humility. As I see how much I depend on Him to even take a breath in a day, I realize that faith and dependence are the goal and begin looking up rather than within.
Good thoughts on a tough topic!
I do tend to think God will bless me more if I'm more obedient, and conversely that when things go wrong then it must be because I'm still such a bad person and don't deserve for things to go well. Which is clearly incorrect thinking, since the circumstances in life happen according to God's plan and are truly "for my good" no matter how negative they might seem.
A lot of good reasons to apply the gospel to ourselves every day!
Thanks for the reminder Graham. I particularly like what Pastor Tim added..... "I cant earn my salvation and I cant keep it - both are done by God through His Grace".
Absolutely great addition!
Powerful message. Jesus has already paid for our sins. All we have to do is have faith and believe. :)
Amen Norma!
That's right Norma!
Amen Norma!
Good reminder Graham! As I have to fight off the idol of approval, at times-I need to remember this message! Thank you!
That's right, many of us do!
I realize that only through Christ power that I can even change my sinfulness. He lives to change me to do what is right, but that does not make me right!