2 Timothy 4:1-8

Today’s Passage: 2 Timothy 4:1-8

This, in my opinion, is one of the most powerful passages in the New Testament - especially when you understand the context of all that is going on.

  • He is sitting in prison in Rome - probably in Mamertine Prison.
  • These are some of Saint Paul’s final words he wrote - last words mean a lot.
  • He is giving his disciple - Timothy - instruction on what it looks like to live & minister well.
  • He is recounting his life and how he lived it and how he is finishing.

This is a real man who is about to really die... and he knows it.

When I read this passage and I think about all that Paul is saying one word sticks out in my mind... FAITHFUL... What does it look like to live a faithful life?


Paul commanded Timothy to be faithful no matter what came his way. He called him
to not sway from the truth of the gospel. He called him to be faithful:

  • Before God (v.1)
  • To the Word of God (v.2)
  • To lead himself and others (v.2)
  • In the midst of societal decline (v.3-4)
  • To be all God has called him to be (v.5)


Paul is about to die and he knows it. He is recounting how he has lived his life. He is
encouraging us through his faithful example for us to live faithful lives... to the end.

  • Fight the good fight
  • Finish the race.
  • Keep the faith.
  • Look forward to eternity.

In a world focused on success, what would it look like for us to focus on faithfulness?
What does it look like for you to be faithful now? What does it look like for you to be
faithful to the end?

Written By: Nick Parsons 

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