Joshua 3

Today's Passage: Joshua 3

As the Israelites entered the Promised land, they did not put warriors at the front line, but priests. As they carried the ark of the covenant they walked in faith declaring that God alone would guide their way.

The ark was the throne that the Lord would descend onto in the Holy of Holies. It was set apart for the worship of God alone, and as it went before the Israelites as a physical representation of the Lord going before them.

God had established Joshua as the leader of the Israelites, but he was still new to the role. How could they know that Joshua would lead them well? How could they know that he would follow God’s leading and authority? How were the Israelites to know that the Lord was with them?

Though I am sure that Joshua tried to live a life of service to the Lord, the answer to this and the other questions above can not be found in Joshua himself, but in the Lord and His faithfulness.

The Lord had shown His faithfulness through keeping the covenants He had made, and now He was promising to drive out the inhabitants of the Promised Land in order to establish it as a home for His people.

The Lord gave them this picture of the future and gave them a present sign to remind them of His faithfulness. The same God that parted the waters for the Israelites to walk out of slavery in Egypt is the same God who is bringing them into the Promised Land now.

God was faithful to the Israelites and He is faithful now. Now, we can see that all of God’s covenants were fulfilled in Jesus. Through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, God paid for and triumphed over sin, and now, when we turn from our sin and turn to Jesus we are forgiven of our sins and adopted into the family of God. When we are in Christ we are made a new creation, and we can live to presently glorify the Lord and look forward to the future when He will once and for all establish a home for His people.

Written By: Paulette Black

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