Joshua 11

Today's Passage: Joshua 11

Life can throw a lot at us. It can give us hardships, suffering, joy, tough decisions, and difficult situations. Life can leave us questioning what God is doing and wondering how we are going to make it through. Joshua 11 should remind us that God will provide our needs when we are obedient to His call.

As the Israelites began to conquer the promised land, the surrounding nations formed a massive army. Verse 4 says they numbered like the “sand on the seashore.” Pause for a second… That’s an army of epic proportions. Something straight out of Lord of the Rings. BUT doesn’t that description sound familiar?

The enemy's army is described in the same way that Abraham’s promise was described by the Lord in Genesis 22:17. Israel is the offspring God promised to Abraham all those years before. God called Abraham to believe in Him and trust in God’s provision despite the insurmountable difficulty and He is calling Joshua and us to do the same. To have the kind of faith that leads to obedience. God would go on to completely destroy this army. Israel would conquer the whole land.

It is easy for us to get caught up in the difficulty of the situation. We focus on the size of the enemy and lose sight of God’s faithfulness. We must remember that where God calls us, He will provide. That doesn’t mean things will always work out the way we want them to, but it does mean that God will provide us with His abundant grace. He will supply our needs. It’s not hard for Him. We are simply called to say, “Yes, Lord.”

Where is he calling you to trust Him?

Is there an area of your life that you are afraid to give him complete control?

Written By: Joe Weaver

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